your awkward gentleness was so delightful
Welcome to Awkward Gentleness, the only fanlisting approved by The Anime Fanlistings Network for the relationship between two characters from Takaya Natsuki's manga and anime Fruits Basket: Sohma Kyou and Honda Tohru. For more information, please feel free to visit the Site section.
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Shrine Updates
we'll see each other in an eternal banquet
(Please note that this does not reflect fanlisting activity.)
Sunday, November 05, 2006
New 75x50 code donation from Dimmie ♥
Saturday, October 14, 2006
Revamp! The website was SUCH in dire need of a revamp—I haven't touched it (in a more shrine-ish way) for quite a while! I've been working on this layout for a while, and while I'm not yet fully done with the revamp (some sections and pages still need a subtitle!) I figured I should put it up anyway, because Fruits Basket is soooo near ending in Japan now!
With that in mind, if you see anything broken in the website, please feel free to tell me; I'd appreciate it!
There are two new sections of note, although it's still sparse as of now: wallpapers and LiveJournal icons. :)
Saturday, March 11, 2006
Updated some minor structure-related things on the site, as well as revamped the screencaps section. :)
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
Aking Mahal (and all fanlistings under the network) has gone through a server move, but unfortunately in the process I have lost the most recent database backup -- hence, everyone who has joined starting first week of August has been lost. I apologize profusely for this, please feel free to rejoin!
(I'm still fixing things, so things might be a little crazy for a while -- missing images, PHP errors, and the like.)
Saturday, January 29, 2005
A new skin!! *dies* I've been working on this skin for almost three hours, as I tried out a new technique with rollovers and stuff. :) This skin features caps for episode four, of Kyou and Tohru on the roof. *swoon*
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